Sonic Dictionary Workshop at HASTAC

Sonic Dictionary Workshop at HASTAC
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Humanities Writ Large

Sonic Dictionary, the HWL project that has been building a searchable public database of sounds, was recently the focus of a workshop presented by the Publishing Makerspace working group of HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory).

On Friday, September 16, 2016, the Publishing Makerspace working group was honored to have the opportunity to apply our workshop model to the Sonic Dictionary. This time, instead of workshopping three projects at lightning speed as in our last event, we were invited by the project's founder, Mary Caton Lingold, to help her run an all-day workshop, which was supported by the Mellon-funded Humanities Writ Large grant and hosted by the Franklin Humanities Institute at Duke. The Sonic Dictionary is at a critical juncture, poised to move from Omeka to a 2.0 version to be programmed by Duke's Trinity Technology Services in Drupal.

The all-day workshop was divided into three sessions: (1) visioning, in which we used design-charrette techniques to envision the future of the Sonic Dictionary; (2) technological development; and (3) phasing and sustainability.

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Referenced People

Mary Caton Lingold
Graduate Student, Engish

Referenced Projects