Richard J. Powell

Richard J. Powell

Dean of Humanities

John Spencer Bassett Professor of Art and Art History

-- Duke University
HWL Affiliation: Steering Committee

Richard J. Powell received his Ph.D. from Yale University. His research and teaching interests lie in American art, African American art, and theories of race and representation in the African diaspora. He is also interested in the media arts and conceptualizations of the "folk" in world art and culture. His books include Homecoming: The Art and Life of William H. Johnson and Black Art: A Cultural History.


On Taking Advantage of All the Humanities Have to Offer
On Taking Advantage of All the Humanities Have to Offer
-- Sep 19 2014
Richard Powell, Duke's new Dean of the Humanities, spoke to the Duke Chronicle about both the practical and the personal value of study in the humanities. The article appeared in the September 3... Read More